Saturday, July 26, 2014

Sample Poetry by Tselumiere Express

Here are a few poems from my collection to give you an idea of my writing style. I will be posting more of my works up for you to enjoy in the days ahead! If you're interested to work with me to create an original poem for your special occasion, please send me an email at


Soul Sisters (birthday)

Sisters by choice
and friends for life,
our bond is the kind
that lasts forever
and a day.

How beautiful
to grow up beside you
and witness
your blossoming like the
thousand-petaled lotus.

Wishing you
the very BEST year ahead
and each one forward
even better than the last.

Our future of endless possibilities
more marvellous than can be imagined,
our journey together in life
a blessing for you and me.



Two souls entwined as one
a beautiful state to be,
what a blessing to find
your heart’s true love
and spend the rest of your days

What seemed like a chance meeting at first
was divinely planned from the beginning,
and every step leading up to today
was guided by Love all along.

May God bless and guide each day
of your life as husband and wife,
and lead the way in this
new chapter of your journey
in this glorious adventure called life.


Love Blossoms (new baby)

Finally after nine months
you meet the one
you’ve loved

Ten perfect little toes
and ten tiny wee fingers
a miraculous package of Love
is your baby

Exciting days ahead
of learning each other
and discovering
the endless depth
of a Mother’s

Many blessings to you
on this new journey of Life,
as you care for your dear one
and Love blossoms
all around


To me, every poem is like a flower in bloom.
Utterly unique with a beauty that is unforgettable. 

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